Well let's see what else... I had a period of time when I scrapped everyday! I know... amazing! Still not sure how I did that lol. Anyway first my favorite! I LOVE this page! I actually inked up all the leaves myself, and dropped them on the page from about 12 inches above to have a realistic falling look. I was so happy with how it turned out. One of the leaves is actually hiding an unwanted person in the photo. :D Love the little tricks like that. Plus, how cute is the squirrel. He is made from a file from the pazzles craft room... thanks for that.
So I have to ask... or comment... whatever. I've been going through this period where I wonder if it's worth it to do this scrapbooking. I sometimes get a little stink from people about how it's a bit pointless to sit there gluing cut pieces of paper together to put in a book no one ever looks at. I ordinarily dismiss this as it is something I like to do, wether or not I'm all that good at it. Occasionally though it does get to me... I find myself wondering why I do bother. As they say, no one really ever looks at them. I post images online, and get a few comments here and there, but I'm certainly no one to cause a big fuss over. So that brings me to the question of when I'm long gone, will anyone care about my little projects?
Hey Sweetie - my heart kind of went "ouch" when I read that, but I have some thoughts. Right now your kids are little, but they see you putting work into making THEIR lives memorable, and that goes a long way toward them knowing they are important to you. Someday they'll look back on those scrapbooks and understand the love you put into making them, because it comes from love for THEM. Stuff like that lives on and on and on. :)