So I am going to be 6 months pregnant with what we now know is a baby girl on Tuesday. The time to deliver draws closer and makes me a bit nervous. All I can do is pray that everything goes well. For now at least everything seems fine. All my blood work and ultrasounds look good.
On a crafty note, I have a bunch of stuff to scrap, and a lot of ideas for things I want to make with my Pazzles. I have joined the craft room and have gotten a lot of good ideas, some of which I need to get some more materials for. I would really like to get into inking and do more with the pen tool on my projects. I have also been looking for more piecing files, mostly the animals. I am excited for all the new pages I'll be able to make for this year, I'll have a new baby, and with summer coming up a bunch of pics of my son playing outside. He'll be 2 1/2 when summer comes so he'll be able to go outside and do much more than last year. It's going to be great. :)
awwww Congrats!!! Thanks for sharing the photo....I think it is sooo amazing when I was pregnat they didn't have those shows how old I am...I would be using this in a layout for sure.Do you have a name picked out yet?