So, I have been down and out from surgery the past few weeks and haven't gotten to do much but the past few days I've really been in here trying to catch up on some of my kids books. This is what I've done.
This first one is of my daughters second month, I do a page for each month for the first year, and then after that I do whatever. :) I like how this one turned out.

This second page was of her 4th month. I created the boy in my PI, and the girl was a file I got from the craft room. I like how he turned out.
This is one of my favorites, I made the ducky, and got the bath file from the craft room. I love the paper, my hubby went and picked it out for me the other day, he said it shows how much he loves me since he was the only big soldier man in the isle looking at 12x12 packs of glittery paper lol....